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McAllister Software Systems, LLC., creators of AVImark, has been delivering industry-leading veterinary software since 1988. Today, AVImark has become the most popular, best-selling software in the veterinary industry, available exclusively through Henry Schein, Inc. Through award-winning training and technical support, McAllister helps practices reach their greatest potential by using AVImark to its fullest capacity. The company also offers other innovative products and services, such as MSS Data Vault, McAllister Payment Solutions, MSS IT Solutions, MSS Pet I.D. Cards, MSS Reminder Services, Veterinary Wholesale Supply, Petwise and Dragonfly. Headquartered in Piedmont, MO, the company employs 140 people and offers products and services to more than 9,500 veterinary clinics in the United States, Canada and South Africa.

Friday, March 18, 2011

AVImark Quick Find/Search Options, Part 1: Client Area

By Barbara Betsch

When faster is better, quick information can be avaliable at your fingertips. This blog is first in a series featuring fast, easy quick find/search options within AVImark.

AVImark has these built-in options that can be utilized in different areas of the program. These options add to the program's versatility when looking for finite data relations in certain areas.


For various reasons, occasionally you may need to quickly find clients based on their place alaphabetically/numerically in your database. With a few quick key strokes, this information can be easily accessed.

Location the next/pervious client numerically:

Select the "Client Name" field

For the next in sequence, use this two-key combination: Ctrl + Page Up

Fot the pervious in sequence, use this two-key combination: Ctrl + Page Down

Locating the next/previous client alaphabetically:

For the next in sequence, use this two-key combination: Ctrl + Up Arrow

For the pervious in sequence, use this-key combination: Ctrl + Down Arrow

Stay tuned for more quick find/search tips coming soon!

Barbara Betch is a senior techincian at AVIamrk. Babara can be reached at babarab@avimark.net.